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[No. 002] The Project of Eating Healthy & Sprouts

As 2020 officially starts today, it was nice to have the day off. You would think that a day off would not be fully wasted. Today I woke up at 2:48PM. For the first tine in my life, I couldn't believe that I slept in until that time. I wanted to accomplish house hold to do's and be productive.

Sadly due to waking up late, the only thing I could think of doing was to cook since it was pretty much time for a late lunch or early dinner. I didn't want to spend too much time in the kitchen, so I went to Sprouts to purchase a couple of items. This is the first time I went with a marinaded protein from the fresh meat section of the grocery store.

I was really happy that my first meal of 2020 was a homemade cooked meal. At Sprouts, I found salmon glazed in a bourbon marinade. They sold it per piece not by pound, so it was worth the cost since you can choose whichever piece of the fish you wanted. The salmon filet was sold for $6.99. To accompany the fish, I cooked steam white rice and my own rendition of caramelized onions. This was the first time I have ever made caramelized onions as well, and I was satisfied with how if came out. If you are a fan of fish, this was a delicious healthy meal I enjoyed tonight.

Caramelized Onions

Serves: 2

1 Sweet Onion, cut thinly

1 tbsp Butter

1/4 tsp Olive Oil

1/2 tsp Balsamic Vinegar

Pinch of Salt

1. Melt butter in a pan and add olive oil. Once all has been mixed, add the onions and a pinch of salt.

2. Cook onions until it has cooked down a bit. Place a lid on top of the pan so the onions can get softer.

3. Cook for 20 minutes and check to see that onions have been softened and begin to caramelize.

4. Once onions have fully softened, add the balsamic vinegar, cook for another 5 minutes, and plate on meal or eat as a side.



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