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[No. 000] The Project of Purpose & Life

Building from the past, Growing from the experiences, and the beginning of a new journey:

Life isn't perfect. There will be seasons of joy and weeping. We experience different situations, feel different emotions, and create different memories. As a new year begins, I look back on the memories of this past year where I was at the height of happiness moving on to the next chapter in life, and before you know it, you begin to be in a situation of having times of sadness, times of laughter, and times of madness.

I've been trying to figure out how to launch something new that will reach out to different people in different ways, and inspire you to do something great and even different in life. I looked at my life and tried to figure out what I wanted to do, what I was currently doing, and what routes to take to accomplish my goal.

After months of brainstorming, reflecting, and praying, I came up with "The Project of Purpose & Life". Every project has a goal. That goal is to create and complete something amazing. The same thing happens in life. We all live a different story, we want to do great things, we are alive for a purpose, and we all have life projects we create for ourselves to accomplish. Life is short, and we only have one life to live, so let's make the most of it, be unique, and be you.

I always like to say "Be different and unique where it matters most". Invest life in what is good and positive. Find the good and joy in a situations even if it was bad.

Journey with me on this adventure called life, the different goals, passions, and experiences I set to create, enjoy, and accomplish; and to use each memory to tell a story.

What will your project of purpose and life be? What memories will you use and create to tell your story?



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