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Duration: 1+ Hour

As part of the YouTube project, "Life in a Day" for 2020, I was able to visit my favorite strawberry field in Carlsbad, California. During June and July is when strawberries are in season and are so sweet from the field.


This is the second time I've gone strawberry picking in these fields and I absolutely love it here. 2018 was the first time I was here and I went in early July where the fruit was flowing and the strawberries were so large in size and sweet like candy. There was so much fruit during this time, I filled my bucket so quickly. This was one of the best experiences I had. 

I wasn't able to do this last year since I was crazy busy with wedding planning so I didn't get to make it out this way. But this year, with everything going on, with everything that has happened, not only did I want to push myself on this day so I can take footage for the "Life in a Day" project, but I needed to do something for my self-care and to take my mind off missing my sister.

As you may know or have read in my previous posts, my sister passed away earlier this year. She had a very rare form of bone/brain cancer with a very slim chance of surviving at the time we found out. Thankfully God gave us a little more time with her after her surgery in December of 2019. We were able to have one last Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and even one last Birthday with her before she passed. 

Trying to heal from this heart breaking situation is difficult, and it is especially difficult during these times where we can't really travel and escape somewhere to clear the mind and free yourself from all the heart break. Strawberries are one of the fruits that I love most and my sister doesn't really enjoy. As I went through the fields, it was liberating to be able to do something that didn't constantly remind me of the reality of not having her. 

As you stroll through these fields, I recommend wearing closed shoes that are comfortable and you don't mind getting dirty if ever the dirt is muddy or the strawberries get on your shoe. When I went in 2018, I was able to purchase the large bucket but this year either they removed the large size or stop selling the large size due to the end of the season approaching.

When you arrive here, you will need to purchase your ticket for picking or even to explore or take photos in the fields. For ($10) this includes a small bucket and (1) entrance ticket. If you are just interested in walking around the fields and taking photos, each individual ticket is ($5). You are free to explore the strawberries fields as long as you want, for the land is very large. For a beautiful view, make sure you go all the way up and over the hill from the entrance. There you will catch a beautiful view of the lake with the strawberry fields. 

In picking strawberries, do not pull the long stems, make sure you pick right by the top of the fruit. I personally do not like picking the overly soft fruit for it will deteriorate quickly. So as my personal preference, I look for the most red, more firm strawberry. The strawberries from here are so sweet so be sure to pick the most reddest fruit. In addition, be sure to bring paper towels. Sometimes when searching for that perfect fruit, you will encounter fruit bugs that either invaded the fruit or it over ripe.

The season may be over for this year, but I highly recommend visiting next year and picking the strawberries for your experiences. I enjoy picking these strawberries and coming home to figure out what new recipes I can make with them. In my upcoming post, I will be sharing the recipes and meals I made using these fresh strawberries that I picked for the field. Stay tune or look for my post on Strawberries. 

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